วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Better Life – How To Have More Friends Than You Can Handle

Have you ever dreamed of a better life with many friends around you? Having good friends is part of the joy of life. But without real friends in your life, it does not matter how successful one, life will seem boring. Since you only have to live this one life, you might as well make is the best life possible. How do you make more friends than you can handle?

There are many ideas and ways to do it, and they all probably have some merit to them. ButIf you are down to it all you need is the ability to respond to the Council by Dan Reiland, who once said note, "How can charisma? Yourself more concerned about making others feel good about yourself than you them feel good about yourself. "In other words, if you want a better life with more friends, make it a priority to help others have a better life.

Of course this is not always easy, but when several friends and a better life was simple, it would bethem. So here are a few ways that you can more about the other parties.

1. Listen to your way to more friends and a better life.

Have you ever has been in a conversation with someone, and everything you think, while they can say whatever you say next? This is one of the greatest ways to win friends to stop. Instead of thinking what to say, just listen. They are what lend a sympathetic ear for your friendships will be thrilled.

2. Serve your way to moreFriends and a better life.

Have Be generous with your customers time, effort and talent, and people will swarm around you, you want to be her boyfriend. If you hear of someone that needs support in something, be the first to create the hand itself.

3. Buy your way to more friends and a better life!

OK, I do not know than to literally buy your friends, but spending a little money go a long way to be friends. For example, one of the best ways toSend someone to feel better about herself She's just a card. Now, this seems much easier for women than men, but men can be ways to do this as well to see. Buy someone a cup of coffee is a great example for men. You do not go bankrupt this way, but it is amazing what can do to help encourage a bit of pocket money, the people.

So here is the key to making more friends in your life than you can handle, is concerned about them having a better life will be. Once this is done youfind that you have so many friends who have not, you know, like hanging around with them all. So a better life for themselves by making a better life for someone else.

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